
If Dr. Seuss' books were written just for adults....


Pushing through - Ang Lee and the Uncertainty of Success

othing worth having comes easy.

I've heard many people over my years say the following statement in many languages, "Follow your Dreams." 

Some people don't understand the gravity of this statement. Even less do they understand just what it takes to do this, the hard work you have to put into a daily routine to really, I mean, REALLY live up to this standard. 

I'm not talking about a few bursts of concentrated effort. Or late night promises of change.

I mean pursuing something close to you with little to no form of external appreciation, compensation, or recognition for a long time.

Well, it can be hard.

Very hard. 

Try to imagine a year of failure. 

Putting your time and your heart into a project that is fond to you, nurturing it, seeing it evolve, and feeling a sense of pride for it. The spring was the introduction, the character-building, the plot was just starting to come into the light. The summer made you rethink the setting, add a character at the climax of the story, get rid of a whole chapter all together. In the fall, you thought that scene with the machete was just way too much. Winter was for editing. 

Now, watch it fail and start from scratch. 

Add a family into the mix and a fellow successful classmate. 
Now multiply that by 7. 
That's 2,555 days of creating, drafting, brainstorming, scrapping, recreating, frustration, but most of all, perseverance.

This article is about perserverance.  Ang Lee's road to success is humbling and inspiring.


A repose from the hiatus...and what's to come...

t's time once again to give you a peak of my life at the moment.

At this time, I'm studying for my Broker's Exam and April. Mountains of books and study guides are what's keeping me up late right now, unfortunately. I don't feel desperate quite yet, and am actually feeling pretty good about this test.

But now, to the real reason I started this entry:

In 2 months time, 56 days to be exact, I'll be taking a risk into the unknown once again. Apart from my family and friends and a nicely-combed, predictable lifestyle. And what better way to kick conformity in the ass than a voyage by sea to Europe
Barcelona Harbor

Two weeks. 
5 Countries. 
The seas' winds at our faces 
and the boundless horizon in our midsts.
 Plus a chance to travel again with one of fuckin' coolest dudes I know.
More to come as the dates get closer!
But for now.........
Back to hittin' the books.


Goal No. 12: Perform 'Amor Prohibido' on Stage

The setting was calm, the room was comfortable. Minutes passed and yet they seemed to feel longer than minutes as each poet got up to the mic and bled their emotions out into the crowd. Each with his and her own story, own style, and fluidity. Somehow, the room, the poetry, and the mediums from which art was transferred had become a single entity. I looked around and everyone seemed transcendent. Every artist briefly beguiled by the beautiful blossoming beats that beat in the room.

The host came up to me. My turn would be coming up after two more poets. He bowed close to me and asked, "Do you want to go now?" I felt nervous, but I was ready. 

I stared out into the crowd, and it sound vanished. The dread was gone, and as the first word of my poem slowly crawled out, I began to feel a familiar emotion: satisfaction.

The first two went well, I thought to myself: They were just practice. Here's the main event.

Mujer misteriosa,
me has encantado.

Tu mensaje prohibido
encendió mi alma
con una locura insaciable.

Has vuelto infieles
los mas leales hombres,
acometen travesuras
por tenerte.

Muchos saben de ti,
pocos te conocen.

Son mucho menos
los que han podido alcanzarte.

Con una Mirada
me liberaste de la pesadilla
y mi alma ya conciente  
despertó de la mentira:

de la vida habitual de blanco y negro,
de reglas impotentes, vecinos miserables.

Tu esencia remendó mi vida entera.

Mujer misteriosa.

Sin palabras, sin susurros
me has brindado un millón de deseos.

Tu mensaje evangélico
me levantó el alma
y quedó en mi Corazón
una huella.

La huella de esperanza, de rebeldía,
de amor, de una vida sin barreras.

Solo fue tu Mirada. 

Dediqué entonces mi vida entera a buscarte.
Soñé y acaricié locos sentimientos
por tenerte a mi lado.
Tu Nombre es: Libertad

And then....silence. It was the calm right before the crashing of a huge wave pummels the sand. It stayed with the audience for a second. 

And as soon as the silence came, it vanished.

Applause and cheers filled the room. High fives accompanied my return to my seat. Pats on the back, accolades in the form of whispers and nods. And the most satisfactory, yet another emotion that I am almost ashamed to say is not was familiar as the former: True Happiness. In it's purest form

Goal No. 10: Get down to a Size 34

It's been roughly two weeks since I started this meal plan. As of Wednesday, I'm down to 170 lbs or originally being 190! As a direct result of that, I've slimmed down to a size 34, achieving one of my goals I set out to accomplish this year. Woot!

This has been the lightest I have been since I was young, around 12 I'd say. It's given my renewed confidence and has also brought to light a thought process in which I need to work on.

Throughout these two weeks, while I struggled with giving up the foods that I love (Cheese, red meats, rice, oh how I miss you), a thought came to my mind that I had to bring to consciousness to make it more palpable. Even on days when I busted my ass, my mind produced this thought: you're cheating. You're taking the easy way out. Your weight loss is a lie. That was the day when I had to eat nothing but fruit for the day, a Sunday. This thought was disturbing, and I had to put it out there to prove a point: Determination breeds success. Making a consistent effort to do something produces results, especially when it comes to self-motivation. The fact that a thought like that came to me meant that there were still brief moments of a self-destructive mind that crept forward. I dealt with self-esteem issues when I was younger. What I took from those years was that you are your own keeper, your own coach, and your own motivator. It means that positive thinking must be a consistent effort to go hand in hand with the task at hand.  

I'm still going with the meal plan, and expect to finish it by next month. Now, on to phase 2: Fish and White Meats!


Reconstruction - Day 0

Today marks Day 0 of a meal plan I've committed myself to doing, my first part in my overall plan for a healthier lifestyle

I visited a nutritionist after work, whom had studied in India and knew more about you than you knew about yourself by a simple blood test and an eye exam, or so they said. I was skeptical, but am a lot more skeptical with western medicine, vowing never to take pills. I figured the worst that can happen is a wasted 100 bucks.

When I walked into her office,  I was expecting a clean bill of health, maybe a sign that I had been drinking more water and exercising more than when I was fatter. Overall, a sign that I didn't need a plan and that I was on the right track.

She drew some blood from my finger, and took a picture of my eye with this fancy camera. And then came the prognosis: My initial expectation couldn't have been farther from the truth.

I won't divulge all of my nasty details but I will say that she told me I had severe circulation problems because of my digestive system.

On that screen, dozens of brown lines and shapes in my eyes detailed my health history in the blink of an eye (no pun intended) (ok, it was).

She'd point to a part of my iris and asked if I'd been in an accident, saying that a certain discoloration meant my left knee was injured and still hurt. That was the knee that I hit in my first car accident. That weird dark spot on the southwest part of my iris? Snowboarding accident. Nothing got passed her. I had the sudden urge to take this picture along with me and show it off as I would a battle scar.

The part that shocked me the most was when she pointed to northernmost part of my iris. She told me I was depressed. That a certain situation in my life was preventing me from being as happy as I wanted to be. That it involved a masculine entity.

What I thought would be a routine health check became a short therapy session with the Sylvia Brown of natural medicine.

My skepticism withered away. I knew, for a long time, what was bothering me. My mothers' relationship with my stepfather had been eating away at me for years. But I had no clue to what role it was playing in my physical well-being until now. I had always believed the soul cries out and the body reacts, but it was much more eye-opening(I had to sneak that one in) to see it manifested so palpably.

It had taken her less than an hour to know me in so many ways without as much as a drop of my blood and a snapshot of my eyes.

The problem's out in the open, so now healing can begin.

Never did the phrase 'The eyes are the windows to the soul' ring more clearly than today.


The day

The day when you let go...
The day when you realize nothing will change...
The day when you see the direction your life is headed...
The day when the inner voice is loudest...
The day when you accept that the promises you made when you were in love will not come true...
The day when you adjoin your body and mind, and your soul echoes through every corner of your body...
The day when you listen to your inner child cry out...
The day when you mute out what the world tells you do to with your life...
The day when you finally see things clearly...
The day you let go....
is the start of your life.